I used adobe premiere to edit, because I am familiar with this program and I really like its possibilities.
The first step I took to editing was linking all the lip-synced parts with the music. I made sure to link them as precisely as possible.
To film these parts I played the music on some speakers and had the actors lipsync over it (so that it would match perfectly to the music). In some videos you could hear the audio though... and I couldn't remember what lyrics they were lipsyncing, so that took a while to figure out (going through the lyrics and seeing which match the lips).
Then I started filling up the spaces with candid shots. For these parts I used shorter shot lengths, in order to make the video more engaging. I made the cuts fit with the beat of the song.
Including the beginning and the ending of the video, which I wanted to have diegetic noise.
I didn't use a lot of the footage. I completely ignored the videos taken at the art gallery because the colours didn't match and the lighting was very dark. And they also didn't make much sense with the music.
For the candids that I did use, I made sure to show the same settings multiple times throughout the video in order to keep continuity and to link the entire video together. It wouldn't make sense to use one setting for only 4 seconds in the video only to never be seen again.
I also asked my friends for some help on small details. For example, I asked them to choose between these two effects:
One of them zooms into the shot, and the other inverts it. My friends told me the preferred the zooming in, so that's what I kept.
This is how the final product looks on the timeline: