I wasn't sure of which aspect ratio to use in the end, despite having gotten a clear answer in the audience questionnaire (16:9)
I wasn't sure about the difference in size between the camcorder and the camera videos. Because a large black border is left at the sides when the camcorder videos, so I tested multiple options.
4:3 -->
the camcorder's original ratio
<-- 3:2
in between the camcorder and the camera's ratio.
3:2 -->
but the camcorder sections are enlargened to fit the entire screen. So the camera and camcorder parts have the same size.
<-- 16:9
The camera's original ratio.
These are the options that my friends preferred:
Most votes were for the 16:9 (I don't know what I thought would happen, considering these are the same people who answered my questionnaire). So that's the one I used in the end.